Payment terminal is needed for a business

Payment terminal is needed for a business


Mesin Urusniaga diperlukan untuk perniagaan




Government is encouraging people to go cashless and contactless and we were already on our way towards a cashless society. Covid-19 pandemic limits the use of physical cash and this merchant is in danger of losing potential customers due to they are accepting cash payment only. 

Therefore, they applied for the All-In-One Digital Wireless Touchscreen Payment Terminal (card + e-wallets acceptances) that can accept cards and e-wallets QR-Based in the market, it brings more convenience to their customers. And now, their customer can make the payment by credit card, debit card or e-wallets to purchase their products. 

Such a great choice and thank you for choosing us as your service provider.


政府鼓励人们朝着无现金/无接触社会迈进。 Covid-19限制了现金的使用,该商家由于只接受现金付款而面对失去客户的问题。




Kerajaan mendorong kita menuju ke arah masyarakat tanpa tunai. Pandemik Covid-19 menghadkan penggunaan wang tunai dan peniaga ini berisiko kehilangan pelanggan kerana mereka hanya menerima pembayaran tunai. 

Oleh itu, mereka memohon perkhidmatan wireless mesin urusniaga terkini (kad kredit, kad debit dan e-wallets), ini membawa kemudahan kepada pelanggan mereka. Sekarang, pelanggan mereka boleh membuat pembayaran dengan kad kredit, kad debit atau e-wallet untuk membeli produk. 

Pilihan yang sangat baik dan terima kasih kerana memilih kami sebagai pembekal perkhidmatan anda.